Factories & Boilers Department
The Department of Factories & Boilers is under the Ministry of Labour and Skills. The main responsibility of the Department is to check whether the factory Act 1948 and the Indian Boiler Act of 1923 are complied by the factories.The department is designed to ensure the welfare, health and safety of the Factory workers and of the ordinary people. Director is the head of the department. The department is divided into three regions under which there are 22 factory divisions and 25 additional factory divisions.
Departmental services
- The Factory Building Plan approval
- Registration and renewing of factories.
- Boiler designs are approved and supervised for their construction.
- Providing certificates by checking the Boilers
- The design of the steam lines is approved..
- Certificate is issued by conducting Examinations- Boiler Attendant and Boiler Operation Engineer.
- Certificates issued by conducting Qualification Re-Qualification Test for Welders.
- Organizing awareness and training programs for Department officials, management representatives, Educational Institutions and industrial sector workers.

Ensure Safety, Health and Welfare of the workers in Factories and construction sites by enforcing various legislations and there by safeguard them from work related diseases and prevent Industrial accidents
- Approval of plans, Machinery Layout, Fire layout of factory buildings and issue of permit.
- Registration and grant of factory license and its renewal.
- Granting exemption on various statutes after assessment of requirements.
- Inspection of factories with particular reference to safety, health and welfare of workers.
- Accident and complaint investigation.
- Conduct of Prosecution cases.
- Site Appraisal for new hazardous units and their expansions.
- Approval of design of new boilers and economizers.
- Review, verification and approval of Residual Life Assessment study of Boilers under IBR.
- Approval of IBR valve design.
- Inspection, approval and issue of certificate (under IBR) for manufactured IBR components.
- Inspection and registration of new boilers and economizers and their annual inspection.
- Approval of Transfer of Boiler to other states and vice versa with coordination of other state Directorates.
- Approval of steam lines and supervision of their erection.
- Conducting medical examinations of workers engaged in hazardous processes.
- Safety Education &Training for Students and Workers.
- Recognition of approved Boiler erectors / repairers.
- Recognition of Safety Officer and Welfare Officer.
- Verification and Approval of On Site and Off Site Emergency Plans and its timely review based on change in operation of Industry and its neighborhood.
- Verification of Safety Audit, HIRA, HAZOP, QRA, PHA, HARA, HAZID, etc.
- Verification of Safety Reports.
- Conducting examinations for Boiler Attendants and Boiler Operation Engineers and issue of competency certificates.
- Issue of equivalency certificates for Boiler Attendant under Apprenticeship Act.
- Conducts Qualification and requalification tests for certifying as IBR Welders with respect to TIG, MIG, SMA Welding, etc. for Pipe, Plate welding in all positions and issue of certificates under IBR.
- Verification with other State Directorates and Endorsement of Boiler Erectors, Boiler Attenders, IBR Welders of other states to work in Kerala.
- Recognition of Competent persons for issue of stability certificates for factory buildings and for testing and certification of pressure vessels, lifting machines, lifting tackles, ventilation requirements, etc.
- Recognition of Draughtsman for preparation of drawings for Factories in compliance with requirements of Factories Act and Rules.